
'Lattice' begin...

Hmmm..looks like hubby has a new project in mind.

 Yep...he's definitely up to something.
Aha! Now I know!

 He's putting up a small lattice arbour for us to walk through from the flower garden to the vegie patch. I've been wanting something to differentiate the two areas, so yesterday we decided to put this up. It will be painted white to match the other timber framework in the yard (when the wild wind dies down!).

I've always loved lattice in a garden and I'm happy with the way this looks.

It has such a nice "country cottage" appeal to me.

It looks quite old-fashioned and friendly sitting amongst the flowers...

just like me, lol!


Pretty "dry"..

The spring flowers beside my "dry river bed" are starting to fill out a bit more this week.

I love this cheery white daisy with it's blue centres.

The young hydrangea is looking really good and lush this year and is getting flower heads.
I don't know exactly what colour it will be yet.
Last year the flowers were a pale "greenish" shade so we decided to tip our tea-leaves around it to see if that changes the colour.
Apparently it should bloom a better blue shade now....here's hoping!



Empty it out and fill it up..

There are only two things my hubby has asked me to do in our garden.

 #1   Get rid of most of the grass.

#2   And fill the yard with flowers and colour.
I think I'm well on the way to fulfilling his desires :-D

Who wants some pizza?

Sunday was a good day for hubby to get stuck into rendering his home-made pizza oven.

 The air was still and the sun was HOT..
so he had to work fast before the render dried out too much to adhere properly.

 Slapping soft coloured cement onto a big beast like this is quite therapeutic!
And deeply satisfying when it's all done and dusted.
Good job, honey..it looks great!!


Around the garden

Spring is in full force in my little garden!

Everything is growing madly at the moment...

Lots of bare patches are beginning to fill out with colour and foliage..

My yard is swathed in the delicious heady perfume of this beautiful new season :-)