
Pretty "dry"..

The spring flowers beside my "dry river bed" are starting to fill out a bit more this week.

I love this cheery white daisy with it's blue centres.

The young hydrangea is looking really good and lush this year and is getting flower heads.
I don't know exactly what colour it will be yet.
Last year the flowers were a pale "greenish" shade so we decided to tip our tea-leaves around it to see if that changes the colour.
Apparently it should bloom a better blue shade now....here's hoping!



  1. .....Hi Trish ..Mum said you both have done a really good job... beautiful
    Barb xx

  2. Hello Trish!:) You have a very nice garden. I love those white daisy flowers also, and have some in my garden.
    Thank you for following my blog.:) I will visit you as often as I can.

  3. I think it looks great. I am a little envious that you get to garden and I am waiting for winter snow! Thankyou for linking in...I am so glad you did! big hugs from Alberta Canada! Your garden is beautiful!

  4. look at me!!! I am your first follower!!! yay me!

  5. Hi Trish... Mum love your photos.... you're doing a wonderful job...Dad would have loved to sit out on your deck looking at it, I'm sure.......
    Hope the bush fire smoke eases and you can breathe easier.....
    Hugs .... Barb xxx
